+263 775 294 168
Shield Foundation is an organization that  that seeks to empower,and inspire the girl child to attain her financial independence and the relevant set of skills to fight economic and social segregation and to contribute effectively to sustainable economic development. Our vision solely premised on the realization that women and girls are the demographic dividend of any nation, once empowered with the right tools they can leverage opportunities availed to them and effect real change.
Meet the team
Pure Professionalism
Making A Difference
With Her Own Hands Initiative
With a vision of an inspired and empowered girl child daring enough to break the vicious cycles of abuse and women marginalization, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge.The with her own hands is a one month training program where we try to inculcate entrepreneurial aptitudes in young women and girls and also expose them to different industries and sectors in the coporate, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.
Sister to Sister Talks
With the vision of an inspired girl child, Shield Foundation seeks to avail a safe space for young women and girls to draw some inspiration form women who have made it in their respective industries and circles. We run this program on a quarterly basis and we have a thematic round table discussion.
"Women empowerment is entertwined with respect for human rights"
Our Story
Eradicating all forms of women marginalization
For women to thrive in the predominantly patriarchal society they need to be empowered with the right set of skills, relevant resources and be exposed to opportunities that enhance their financial independence and employability, therefore we seek to provide a safe space for women to develop and accelerate broadbased economic change.